About Us


Suppliers of Media & Serum Products

Cellseco was founded by Dr Will Anderson and Ido Davids to supply products to the life sciences industry in the UK. Our products range from classical cell culture media to xeno-free, serum-free supplements and reagents for stem cell research and cell therapy applications. We offer an innovative and full product portfolio of products for research and clinical applications.

Our main supplier is Biological Industries, now owned by Sartorius, one of the world’s leading providers of cell culture materials, with over 30 years experience of manufacturing and development and supplying to more than 50 countries worldwide.

We offer a reliable but limited service to meet our few selective customers requirements. All production processes met ISO standards. Our storage facility in the UK is DEFRA-approved, and we meet all statutory requirements for importation and distribution of cell culture material. For further information, please contact our Managing Director Ido Davids